Spy Vixen Diaries. Be Impressed.


Oh word?

Bosh please refrain from doing anything else that makes you look this willing to play butt tag.

Where you been biaaaatccch?

I feel so down right now, so I'm force feeding myself little doses of happy.  school is starting and its like as soon as i say the word "School" my pockets automatically start running on E. ahh!!!!!! whelp i start at my new Job on New Years day..what a great start huh? cant wait.  I love my new work atmosphere, its gonna be good i can feel it.

And people i am also planning a trip to Europe, London matter of fact. I need to get my travel on!!

I need to check some things off that list, of course I'm from NY but i will be visiting again in February actuallllly. I'm excited for this New Year already!

IN other news i have recently decided that if i cant find a townhouse or house to rent in July that I'm staying in my condo...so ive been thinking about design ideas... both realistic and unrealistic lol

for instance...Kitchen :
How cute is the little Panda pot?

Holy Hello kitty heaven!!!!!!!! my boyfriend would puke, but i lavvveveeeeee it

Bedroom: i love this bed design..too dope

Love the Mural, love the visualization.

i wish i could paint the world this color:

Mi Haffi rich! lol

My friend Teddy P would love this.. laaaavvvee it.
That's just a few of  my thoughts, of course I'm a sardine with caviar dreams..but dream big or go home!

I cant wait to purchase my first home, real talk. but for the mean time, I'm gonna make a project out of my condo. i will keep you guys updated.

i have to jet set.

Laaaavvvvv yu!


Dear Diary Entry 001 12/14/2010

Ever need to vent? it always worked better for me when i put it in writing. i cannot speak on how other peoples brains work, but in know my brain wears me out. its always going, even when its time to rest.
lately i have been nonstop thinking about an event this year that changed my life.
i should let you know that i am not one to live by inspirational quotes, i am always the "Trial and Error" type.
so all of the twitter preaching never really gets too me.
I moved to Broward in July, i was too excited about the move and so was my Best Friend from ABC years Andre, he called 2 days after i moved in, he wanted to come over and help, i was moody cause i was still looking for a job.. i told him no..and told him no when he asked about a week after that. i am a very private person..when Im stressed i don't like company or pity. I was always dodging calls or putting people off.
Fast- forward to the last three weeks in July...Andre finally gets his heart and lung transplant. You see Andre had Pulmonary Hypertension and he had been sick from birth..but i never saw him that way. he has always been a staple in my life.  I was so happy when he got the transplant. That was good. I went to the hospital to visit with my sister i was nervous because i didn't know what to expect ..and i didn't know what to say to my aunt Judith..(Andre's mom) I'm the worst in those situations. When i got up to the room i instantly wanted to cry..he was so swollen..he didn't look like himself. he wasn't very responsive its then i realized the extremity of the situation..he might not make it. i couldn't speak..everyone was being so optimistic and all i could think was how could this happen? when did this happen? where was i? I'm supposed to be his best friend?
When leaving the hospital that day i whispered to Andre " I'm not coming back till you get better, please Andre"

I lied. Even though I couldn't sleep for days after leaving the hospital i went back, i went back because Andre wasn't getting any better.  I drove to Jackson Memorial in a daze, still not knowing what to expect..there were so many people in and out of his room..aunt Judith told me to go sit and talk to him..about what? this isnt the Andre i know? me and this Andre had nothing in common.  i just went to sit and waited. around 3pm it became evident what i was waiting for. the medicine was futile and they were going to remove him from the life support that night. i was waiting for my best friend to die. i was waiting in a cold hospital for a part of my history to die. my mother and brothers came and  it did no good , they left and that night..as we all stood and said bye. Andre passed away. i wasn't holding his hand when he died. his "best friend" was.  I didn't even know her. i felt so lost? how could i ignore him? he didn't know how much he meant to me? that i love him so much? that he was my first real brother?

At the funeral of course i cried. i cried and i cried. I felt like i let my friend down. I felt i was the only one surprised by his death. A very long time ago, Andre asked me not to see him as sick and i can tell you i never did. I didn't see it coming...he was my best friend. I have so many regrets..so much..

I guess what i ca get out of writing this is release, and to tell you that when you have someone anyone that's hows you they care, show it back and do not wait. I also want you to consider becoming an organ donor. yes you who is reading this now.  Even though it took many tears to write this Im glad i did.
I love you Andreano clarke, Always Will


What A Weekend 12/6/10

This weekend was...Crazed. I def put some miles on Jimmy (My Car). Friday was the Whiz Khalifa show..it was interesting.. shouts to University Of Miami security and its ahem "Colorful " students. well after that fiasco was over i drove home to re-cuperate because Saturday it was time for Art Basel.. I chose to go directly to the Wynwood Art District... first stop? Sanrio Small Gift exhibit OF course!!!!! I Loved watching my friends turn into Hello Kitty Groupies for the day

it was Crazy! I was unable to get my Sanrio Tattoo for Free.99 ..the crowd was ridiculous.

After The Sanrio event,we took a walk around Wynwood. Pics from both days coming up

All in all it was def fun...I also bought a print from one of the galleries, ill put a pic up later


MRI sex 12/3/10

Ever Wonder what it would like? idk if these images were actually acquired the medical way, or photo-shopped..but its interesting nonetheless. sorry if you're offended. (not really)


How You Like Your Eggs?- 12/2/10

Hi! been a minute..I took an extra long holiday Vacay. Im on now what i would call an extended vacation for the mind. so i will be checking in and keeping you guys updated. i will be going to Art Basel on Saturday so look out for that recap...let me leave u with this Video..
And Yes this is Whats wrong with music today LOL


And We Are Live!


Hi! Hola! Bonjour! Lets Celebrate!
It has Definitely been a LONG time. Very Long. TOO long. Well we wont let that happen again.

Let me Re-Introduce Myself.
JaDay Danielle is the new moniker.
I am Super Excited to to be blogging again. I have Re-Located and kind of Grown up since the last posts. I have decided to keep them up though. You can map the progress.
Things will be a little different this run- around I'm going to really invest my thoughts and time in the blog. I'm tired of reading things and going " i thought of that first" well ...bump that.

Anyway as i said, its a CELEBRATION bitches throw confetti, spank your neighbor, eat a hot dog..whatever gets you going!

more to come.

love you Cupcakes!
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